Exploring Your Intuition: The Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is known as the third eye chakra, its purpose is pattern recognition, also known as the “seeing” chakra. The element of the third eye is light which gives us the ability to see, to take in the shape and form of things around us from a distance. This chakra goes far beyond physical perception, this tells us that something exists when only the inner sight can tell us what it is.

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Emotional Powerhouse: The Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is the second chakra in the system and it allows us the right to feel. Movement is the key to this chakra. While seated there is a connection to our root chakra and in order to move, the body must rise from the anchor of one chakra and expand outward through the sacral chakra. Here is where feelings and movement are cultivated. The sacral chakra is the powerhouse of our emotions which makes people who they are.

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Building Your Foundation: The Root Chakra

The root chakra is the first of the seven chakras, and is the foundation of the entire chakra system. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and is often referenced when grounding through the feet. All foundations rely on the Earth—to connect with the body is to connect with the Earth. Our bodies rely on the root chakra for connection to ourselves, others around us, and the Earth.

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The 411 on Yoga Nidra--and why you need it in your life.

It looks a lot like Savasana, but this mindfulness practice is so much more than a nap.

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation-like experience that’s typically done lying on your back. Your instructor may offer props like a bolster or a blanket, but these are completely optional. The important thing is that you’re comfortable. Once you are physically grounded and still, the practice begins. The goal is to enter a deep state of relaxation where your body is “sleeping,” but your mind is fully awake and aware. It’s like lingering in that dreamy space on the edge of sleep.

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