Building Your Foundation: The Root Chakra

by Rachel Groff


Root Chakra (Muladhara)


Element: Earth

Color: Red

Location: Base of the spine/coccygeal plexus

The root chakra is the first of the seven chakras, and is the foundation of the entire chakra system. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and is often referenced when grounding through the feet. All foundations rely on the Earth—to connect with the body is to connect with the Earth. Our bodies rely on the root chakra for connection to ourselves, others around us, and the Earth; Muladhara translates to “root support.”

What happens when the root chakra is open?

The root chakra is focused on survival, the right to be here and to have. This chakra builds a strong foundation which creates strong boundaries. When the root chakra is open/balanced, the body and mind will experience many characteristics. The body will feel grounded and comfortable. The mind will be at ease with the way the body moves, feels, and looks. People can experience a sense of trust in the world and feel safe and secure in their everyday lives. The body and the mind don’t feel threatened or uneasy, but instead calm and have the ability to relax and be still. The root chakra is balanced when the body is in good health and has stability in the mind and body. When the body and mind are nourished, we allow energy to flow through the root chakra.

What happens when the root chakra is closed off?

The root chakra is powerful and can affect all of the other chakras in the body. If the root chakra is closed off/damaged, this can be reflected in each chakra above it. Without this solidity in our foundation, the body can become weak, timid, and unsettled. If a person is deficient in their root chakra they can feel disconnected with their bodies. Emotions of fear, anxiety, and restlessness can arise if the root chakra is blocked. One with a closed root chakra feels lost and can have poor boundaries when it comes to their environment or others around them. A practice called “grounding” can help relieve some of the emotions/traits of a closed root chakra. An easy form of “grounding” can be done by a person who goes outside, takes their shoes off, and connects with the Earth itself. Without doing anything else but feeling the Earth beneath them and breathing in the fresh air around them.

What does it mean to be grounded?

A healthy root chakra allows a person to be energetically grounded. To be grounded is to be oriented in time and space—connected to the environment. Grounding projects energy through the legs and feet, which will ascend to the crown. Feeling secure in the legs and feet allows for a positive reinforcement of moving toward in life. When someone feels grounded, they experience being present, focused, and dynamic—attention can be focused to what is happening right in front of them. To be grounded is to feel confident yet contained, connected with our own source of support.

When it comes to the chakra system, there is such a thing of excess energy in a chakra. When there is excess energy in the root chakra, it is often found as greed, materialistic behaviors, and holding onto things of no value. People with excess energy fear anything to do with change and are set in their ways within rigid boundaries. People can feel lethargic, lazy, and have a difficult time with motivation when they are too grounded in their root chakra.

How do I open my root chakra?

What happens when there is a deficiency in the root chakra? There are many healing practices for all chakras. Specifically for the root chakra, there is a strong need to reconnect with the body. This can be done in many practices—grounding, physical activity, massage, yoga, or breath work. When it comes to opening a chakra, there is not a one size fits all or a quick fix. This is something that will take constant practice and energy in order to fully balance a chakra. As our lives change, our chakras flow and change with it. The root chakra is the foundation of the entire system, the body and mind must ground down in order to rise.

Where in your life do you feel off balance, unsettled, or fearful? Sometimes we have to lean into the fear to find trust in ourselves, others, or the world around us. Where in your life do you feel anxious? What is the stem of the anxiety; financials, work, home life, relationship, family? The practice of pinpointing the exact feelings that consume the mind or body will begin the practice of releasing what is being held onto. This creates the reconnection with the body and the mind without those feelings, thus beginning the process that will open/balance the root chakra.


  • It is safe for me to be here.
  • The Earth supports me and meets my needs.
  • I love my body and trust its wisdom.
  • I am immersed in abundance.
  • I am here and I am real.

As part of the summer Chakra Series, Rachel’s class will explore and bring awareness to each chakra, starting with grounding into your Muladhara (root) chakra.

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Root Chakra Playlist