Speaking Your Truth: The Throat Chakra

by Rachel Groff

Throat Chakra (Vissudha)


Element: Sound

Color: Bright Blue

Location: Throat, pharyngeal plexus

The fifth chakra in the system is the throat. This chakra’s purpose is for communication and creativity. This is the start of the “upper chakras” where it represents the symbolic world of the mind. Words, images, and thoughts consist of the fifth, sixth, and seventh chakra where the focus is on manifestation. The throat chakra creates sound which is uniquely individual to each person that is rightfully theirs. This chakra is all about voicing individual needs and one’s truth. Without the throat chakra, a person’s needs might not be met or they have bottled up feelings that fester within themselves. The throat chakra creates a sense of community by the use of sound and communication. While communication can be positive or negative, the throat chakra is active in everything because communication is a basic human need for all living things.

What happens when the throat chakra is open?

When the throat chakra is balanced and open a person experiences the ability to have clear communication. They have a resonant voice and are equally a good listener to others they have conversations with. People with an open throat chakra often live very creative lives and have a good sense of timing and rhythm. These individuals aren’t afraid to speak their truth and stand up for what they believe in. They are confident in telling people what they need and what they desire. People with an open throat chakra are confident speakers and creative in their words. 

What happens when the throat chakra is closed off?

If the throat chakra is closed off it can be difficult to have conversations and communicate with almost everyone. People with a closed throat chakra experience a fear of speaking whether that is publicly or privately—if they do speak, their voice is weak or feels small. With an unbalanced fifth chakra, it is difficult to voice one’s needs or feelings. Introverts and shy individuals more often than not have a closed or unbalanced throat chakra. 

What happens when there is too much energy in the throat chakra?

Excess energy in the throat chakra can create issues in a person’s social life. With too much energy in their throat chakra, they talk too much and use it as a defense. It is hard for them to listen to others and hear what other people need/have to say. These are the gossipers and the individuals who interrupt others when talking constantly. It is a challenge for these people to have strong, healthy relationships because their needs overshadow others. Being outspoken has a fine line in being strong and confident or overbearing and harsh. 

How do I open my throat chakra?

To open the throat chakra it is advised to write in a journal to get all of the words out on paper to analyze how one really feels and what they want/need. Massage also helps if a person is too tense or tight in their shoulders and neck. If it suggested that a person should sing, chant, or speak out loud even if nobody is around to listen to help get comfortable with the sound of their voice and experience their own creativity. If a person has excess energy, they are recommended to practice silence and listening which will help build stronger relationships. 


  • I hear and speak the truth.

  • I express myself with clear intent.

  • Creativity flows in and through me. 

  • My voice is necessary.

As part of the Chakra Series, Rachel’s classes from September 6 - 18 will bring awareness to the throat chakra.

Rachel's Upcoming Schedule

Throat Chakra Playlist