Emotional Powerhouse: The Sacral Chakra

by Rachel Groff


Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)


Element: Water

Color: Orange

Location: Lower abdomen + sacral plexus

The sacral chakra is the second chakra in the system. This chakra allows us the right to feel. The first chakra consisted of grounding, stabilizing, and focus. The sacral chakra is the exact opposite—to let go, to flow, to move, and to feel. Movement is the key to this chakra. While seated there is a connection to our root chakra and in order to move, the body must rise from the anchor of one chakra and expand outward through the sacral chakra. Here is where feelings and movement are cultivated. The sacral chakra is the powerhouse of our emotions which makes people who they are.

What happens when the sacral chakra is open?

The root chakra directly affects the sacral. Without a solid foundation, the fluidity of the sacral chakra cannot be supported. When the sacral chakra is open and balanced there is graceful movement in the body. Not concerned with whether or not someone can dance, play sports, or do yoga but instead be able to move effortlessly throughout the day. When this chakra is open, there is an overall awareness and intelligence of a person’s emotional state. This is very challenging for most people because as a society there is a lack of defining emotions to others or even to oneself. This continues on to the ability to experience pleasure—without the feeling of guilt or anxiety. When the second chakra is balanced there are visible changes to a person. They put up healthy boundaries for themselves and others, the practice of nurturing one's mind, body, and emotions.

What happens when the sacral chakra is closed off?

When a chakra is closed off, the characteristics are the exact opposite of what they are when the chakra is open. In the sacral chakra, deficiency of energy shows up as rigidity in the body. A lot of emotions of anger and fear stem from a closed off second chakra. This can be shown as excessive boundaries, poor social skills, and attitudes towards loved ones. People with a closed off second chakra lack desire and passion; physically, mentally, or sexually. Oftentimes they are energy-sucking to be around because of their lack of excitement and happiness.

What happens when there is too much energy in the sacral chakra?

Like everything—too much isn’t good for a person. Whether that is food, sun exposure, or energy in the sacral chakra—excess can be harmful. If there is excess energy in the second chakra these people are known for their strong, aggressive emotions and their addiction to pleasure. These people are very attached to specific things and can be found extremely sensitive. They are dependent on their emotions and feeling validated in them—this causes poor boundaries within themselves and others they are in relation with.

How do I open my sacral chakra?

In order to send energy, or to open the sacral chakra, the biggest healing practice is movement. Movement allows emotions to release from the body through physical exertion, which releases any mental or emotional emotions. Another practice for the sacral chakra is boundary work. Establishing good, appropriate boundaries and desires in relationships. If someone has excess energy, they need to connect to their root chakra and practice grounding rather than movement. Once a person knows that they deserve love, desire, pleasure, and to feel their emotions without any judgement, they allow energy into the sacral chakra.


  • I deserve pleasure in my life.
  • I absorb information from my feelings.
  • I embrace and celebrate my sexuality.
  • I move easily and effortlessly.
  • Life is pleasurable.

As part of the summer Chakra Series, Rachel’s classes from July 5 - 17 will bring awareness to the sacral chakra.

Rachel's Upcoming Schedule

Sacral Chakra Playlist