Standing in Your Power: The Solar Chakra

by Rachel Groff

Photo Jun 23, 3 24 13 PM-500.png

Solar Chakra (Manipura)

Chakra-Solar Plexus.png

Element: Fire

Color: Yellow

Location: Solar plexus 

The solar chakra is the third chakra in the system. This chakra is all about standing in power. A balanced third chakra shows energetic vitality—enjoyment and enthusiasm through life. When a person stands strong in their personal power they experience hope that they can make things viable for themselves, with a positive outlook, they are not afraid to take risks, make mistakes, or venture into uncertainty. A strong third chakra allows a person to know exactly what they want and allows them to pursue it without fear, or giving up when faced with challenges and obstacles. The third chakra allows people to be unapologetically themselves and encourages people to go after their dreams—to be transformational in their lives.

What happens when the solar chakra is open?

Few people have a completely open and balanced solar chakra. Standing in your power is difficult to do every day in every situation. When a person is in balance with their solar chakra they are responsible and reliable. Individuals with strong energy in their solar chakra excel in whatever they do professionally, oftentimes they are the ones being promoted, managers, or CEO’s of companies. A balanced solar chakra allows for high self-esteem and confidence—with a balanced ego, not too strong but knows their worth. An open solar chakra allows for a person to be both playful, have a strong sense of humor, and spontaneous, while also having strong self-discipline and being able to face challenges head-on. A person with a strong, balanced solar chakra knows their personal power and is able to stand in it every day.

What happens when the solar chakra is closed off?

Deficiency in the solar chakra can be difficult in a person’s day-to-day life. This person can experience low energy, poor self-esteem, and is manipulated by others around them. With a closed-off solar chakra, it can be challenging to be motivated—these people are often not reliable and lack in following through on daily tasks. Personality-wise, with an unbalanced solar chakra, people can come across as cold, rude, and often use the victim mentality to make themselves feel better. Physically, people with a closed-off third chakra have poor digestion and suffer from abdominal pains and digestive disorders or diseases. 

What happens when there is too much energy in the solar chakra?

Excess energy in the solar chakra can be destructive. We all know people with balanced, closed, and excess energy in their solar chakra. A person with too much energy can be hard to handle. They are overly aggressive, dominating, and controlling. These people are the ones that must have the last word in an argument and need to be right, even when they are wrong. Individuals with high energy in their solar chakra can be manipulative and power-hungry. They have a type-A personality, are overly competitive, and sometimes arrogant. Excess energy can lead to stubbornness and meltdowns in daily life. Individuals like this are always hyperactive and can never sit down or not be involved in the task at hand. It is best for those with excess energy in their third chakra to be active every day to release all the pent-up energy that they are holding onto.

How do I open my solar chakra?

Healing practice to open the solar chakra consists of vigorous exercise like running, aerobics, boxing, or hot yoga. The practice grounding can open the solar plexus and allow energy to flow or release excess energy. If a person has excess energy in their third chakra then they should practice deep relaxation, emotional contact, and stress control. Any form of practice that relieves stress can help force energy out of the solar chakra. If a person suffers from a lack of energy in the solar plexus then they can increase that energy by taking more risks in their personal life and professional life. Any form of deficiency or excess in the solar chakra can also be healed by psychotherapy and by acknowledging any weakness in a person’s physical, mental, or emotional health. 


  • I honor the power within me. 

  • I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly. 

  • The fire within me burns through all blocks and fears. 

  • I can do whatever I will to do. 

As part of the summer Chakra Series, Rachel’s classes from July 19 - 31 will bring awareness to the solar chakra.

Rachel's Upcoming Schedule

Solar Chakra Playlist