There are 7 chakras (energy sources) throughout the body; root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown. In each of Rachel’s classes, you will experience a sequence that is designed to connect to each specific chakra.
Read MoreIt looks a lot like Savasana, but this mindfulness practice is so much more than a nap.
Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation-like experience that’s typically done lying on your back. Your instructor may offer props like a bolster or a blanket, but these are completely optional. The important thing is that you’re comfortable. Once you are physically grounded and still, the practice begins. The goal is to enter a deep state of relaxation where your body is “sleeping,” but your mind is fully awake and aware. It’s like lingering in that dreamy space on the edge of sleep.
Read MoreLet's talk about masks.
We know that practicing yoga in a mask might not be your first choice, and we get it! We went straight to the experts—your favorite Midtown Yoga instructors and mask-wearing members—to get the 411 on face coverings in the studio. Read more about their experiences here . . .
Read MoreWelcome to September! We almost can't believe it's been over five months since we closed our doors. You may have heard that Governor Cooper just announced an easing of some restrictions—including those keeping fitness facilities shuttered. This is the news we've been waiting for!
While we miss the studio as much as you do—and we've worked diligently during this time to create new processes and safety protocols—we believe it's important to take a measured approach in reopening. That said, we *won't* be back in the studio this week.
Thank you for your continued support. YOU are the reason we continue to do what we do. Stay safe.
Read MoreBy Sarah Sullivan
Midtown Yoga instructor Sarah Sullivan started practicing yoga at home as a teenager. Now she’s helping us launch MY Home Practice. Keep reading to learn more about Sarah’s journey into yoga and what it might look like to start your own home practice.
Read MoreWe believe in community—particularly during uncertain times. The health and safety of our students, teachers, and staff, as well as the greater Raleigh community, are of paramount importance. Because of this, we have elected to close our studio until Monday, March 30, in light of the recent developments surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Throughout this challenging time, we have closely monitored the situation and tried to balance the potential risks with our community’s desire to continue to practice yoga. Although difficult, this is the right decision for our community as a whole.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support. And stay tuned—we're working hard to keep the yoga flowing for you in the meantime! If you have any questions, please reach out. We truly can’t wait to see you in the studio again soon.
By Lipsa Shah
The most abundant, intimate, and fulfilling relationship you are ever going to have—and perhaps the most important—is the one that you have with yourself. We must take care of our minds and bodies before we can have a rewarding relationship with anyone else. We sat down with Raleigh-based psychotherapist Whitney Jenkins to talk about this and other big stuff, including heartbreak, communication, and secrets to a lasting relationship.
Read MoreBy Lipsa Shah
What does it mean to live your practice?
So you’ve mastered some poses . . . and you’re pretty good with Ujjayi breath. What’s next in your practice? Read more to dive deeper into making yoga your lifestyle.
Read MoreBy Lipsa Shah
If you’ve taken a class at Midtown Yoga, you’ve likely heard our teachers referring to “chakras.” The chakra system is an energetic system that you don’t necessarily see, but you can absolutely feel it if you pay close enough attention. We’re here to break down why your belly may feel like it’s heating up under stressful situations, or why you may not be able to get the words out when you need to express your true feelings. If this is your first introduction to the chakras, we invite you to absorb this information--then revisit it and start to explore these concepts on your mat.
Read MoreBy Dakota Green
Our breath is our life force. It connects our body to our mind and is often something we do without thought. Our subconscious brain is continuously operating our body to keep it alive and keep us going. But what happens when we slow down and give it the attention it deserves?
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