Trust Your Gut: How to Tap Into Your Intuition

You've heard it before. Go with your gut. Trust the process. Listen to your intuition. Well, what does it mean and how do we really tap into our truth? We sat down with Sharri Gaines, an intuitive healer and reflexologist with more than 20 years of experience, to learn more about the power of your gut and how you can become your own intuitive healer.

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Guest UserComment
MY Yogi Packs

The MY Yogi Pack is the gift you’ve been searching for! Perfect for your friends, neighbors, co-workers, kids' teachers... you get the point! Everyone could use a little more zen in 2020!

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Rachel Cannon ChaseComment
What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, which translates to, “knowledge of life” can be dated back to 5,000 years ago. Although you will often hear ayurveda referred to as a sister to yoga, ayurveda precedes yoga. Ayurveda addresses everything that makes life worth living; it deals with the physical body, healing yourself naturally, which will in turn heal your spirit. True enjoyment of your life is possible only when there is true health. AKA living your best life!

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Cooper EliasComment
What is Mercury Retrograde?

About three or four times a year, the planet Mercury will go into retrograde. That is to say it moves in an opposite direction of planet Earth. Planets move from east to west around the sun, but when Mercury turns to move west to east, that is the retrograde. In astrology, Mercury is the planet that rules communication so basically, all communication is about to go haywire.

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Amanda BittnerComment
Teacher Training Spotlight: Sarah

Sarah is someone who radiates a magnetic energy! She is a ray of sunshine come to brighten your day and is sure to put a smile on your face! I hope you enjoy getting to learn and grow with Sarah as she takes you on her Teacher Training Journey below! 

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Amanda BittnerComment
Pride Month

Pride month is a month of dedication to history, the present, and the future of the LGBTQ community. Here at Midtown Yoga we welcome all. We celebrate the bold, radiant, queer souls that make up a vibrant part of our community who show up and speak up for themselves and for each other. This month we celebrate you - colorfully and unapologetically.

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Amanda BittnerComment
Q&A with McKenna

If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Mckenna, taken one of her MY Strength classes, or had the joy of sitting down and hearing her thoughts, then you know she is an all-around go getter with a spitfire personality! She is full of fun energy, passion to encourage you in your pursuits, holds confidence within any topic of conversation, all while entertaining you with her clever sense of humor. We hope you enjoy getting to know more about this lovely human.

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Amanda BittnerComment
Midtown Yoga Is Coming to Durham!

Midtown Yoga will open its second Triangle-area yoga studio in early 2020. The new studio will be in Durham’s new University Hill development. The nearly 3,000 square foot space will feature two heated studios and offer a variety of yoga classes, meditation, workshops, teacher trainings, retreats, event space opportunities and more.

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Cooper EliasComment