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Building Your Foundation: The Root Chakra

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Element: Earth

Color: Red

Location: Base of the spine/coccygeal plexus

The root chakra, or Muladhara, is the foundation of the entire chakra system. Located at the base of the spine, it’s your energetic anchor, grounding you to the Earth beneath your feet. This chakra is all about connection—connection to yourself, to others, and to the Earth itself. When your root chakra is balanced, you feel secure, supported, and centered. Muladhara literally translates to "root support," reminding us that just like any strong foundation, everything begins with feeling grounded.

What happens when the root chakra is open?

The root chakra is all about survival, security, and your right to exist and thrive. When this chakra is balanced, it lays the groundwork for strong boundaries and a sense of stability in your life. Physically, an open root chakra makes you feel grounded and at ease in your body—comfortable with how you move, feel, and look. Mentally, it brings a sense of safety and security, allowing you to trust the world around you and relax into the present moment.

When the root chakra is in alignment, both body and mind feel nourished and stable. You’re less likely to feel anxious or uneasy, and more likely to experience a calm, steady energy that lets you simply be. With a balanced root chakra, you cultivate a strong foundation for good health, a clear mind, and the freedom to let energy flow through your body with ease. This connection to the Earth keeps you steady, supported, and ready for whatever comes your way.

What happens when the root chakra is closed off?

When the root chakra is blocked or out of balance, it can send shockwaves through the entire chakra system, affecting everything above it. Without this solidity in our foundation, the body and mind can become unstable, leaving you disconnected from yourself and the world around you. Physically, this can manifest as weakness or a sense of being unsettled. Emotionally, you may experience heightened fear, anxiety, and restlessness—almost like you're constantly on edge, without a safe space to land.

One with a closed root chakra feels lost and can have poor boundaries when it comes to their environment or others around them. One of the simplest ways to start healing the root chakra is through grounding—literally. By stepping outside, taking off your shoes, and placing your feet on the Earth, you allow yourself to reconnect with the ground beneath you. Just feeling the Earth and breathing deeply can help you realign with the present moment and begin to restore balance to your root chakra.

What does it mean to be grounded?

A balanced root chakra allows you to feel energetically grounded, meaning you’re connected to your surroundings, steady, and present in the moment. To be grounded is to be oriented in time and space, fully aware of where you are and what’s happening around you. Grounding is felt through the legs and feet, creating a stable foundation that allows energy to rise through the body. When you’re grounded, you feel confident and focused, with the ability to move through life with clarity and purpose.

However, in the chakra system, grounding can sometimes go too far. When there is an excess of energy in the root chakra, it can manifest as greed, materialism, and a resistance to change. People who are overly grounded may feel stuck—clinging to routines, possessions, or mindsets that no longer serve them. This excess energy can make them feel lethargic, lazy, or unmotivated, creating rigid boundaries that keep them from evolving. Finding balance in the root chakra is key to feeling secure and supported without becoming stagnant.

How do I open my root chakra?

When there’s a deficiency in the root chakra, the body and mind can feel disconnected, ungrounded, and anxious. The key to healing this chakra is reconnecting with the body and regaining a sense of stability. Practices like grounding, physical activity, yoga, massage, and breathwork are all powerful tools for restoring balance in the root chakra. But remember, opening a chakra isn’t a one-time fix—it’s an ongoing practice that requires attention and care as you move through life. Just as the root chakra is the foundation of the entire system, grounding yourself allows you to rise and thrive.

Start by asking yourself: where do you feel off-balance or unsettled? What areas of your life trigger anxiety or fear—whether it’s finances, work, relationships, or family? Leaning into those feelings, rather than avoiding them, can help you uncover where you need more stability and trust in your life. The practice of identifying these emotions begins the process of letting go, allowing you to reconnect with your body and mind in a more grounded way. This is where the real work begins—finding the balance between feeling grounded in your body and moving forward in life with confidence and calm. With consistent practice, your root chakra will open, bringing you back to a place of strength and stability.


It is safe for me to be here

The Earth supports me and meets my needs.

I love my body and trust its wisdom.

I am immersed in abundance.

I am here and I am real.

As part of the MY Chakra Series, we will explore and bring awareness to each chakra, starting with grounding into your Muladhara (root) chakra.

Root Chakra Playlist

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