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Divine Consciousness: The Crown Chakra

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Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Element: Thought

Color: Violet

Location: Cerebral cortex

The seventh and final chakra in the system is known as the crown. This chakra is focused on thought—the complexity of the mind. The crown chakra is about merging with divine consciousness and realizing our own true nature. This chakra brings us back to reality acknowledging that there is a deeper meaning to life that underlines all existence. The crown chakra is known as the thousand-petal lotus. Most people believe that the petals are reaching up into the heavens—the lotus petals are actually turned downward like a sunflower, dripping nectar into the crown and down through the chakras. The two ends are connected—a lotus cannot bloom without roots in the earth. The chakra system is a revolving door, one in need and connected to the other. 

What happens when the crown chakra is open?

When the crown chakra is open and balanced a person has the ability to perceive, analyze, and assimilate information. An open seventh chakra creates the mind to be open and receptive—people are highly intelligent, thoughtful, and aware when they are connected to their crown chakra. The mind is a complex place and in order to acknowledge that there is a higher power, you have to have an open-mind but be able to question as well to dive deeper into your understanding. A balanced crown chakra means you are spiritually connected. Being spiritually connected does not mean you have to be religious—it means that you are connected to something higher than yourself, no matter what that higher power is. People with an open crown chakra are wise beyond their years, show mastery in life, and broad understanding. 

What happens when the crown chakra is closed off?

If the crown chakra is closed off, the thought of spirituality becomes frightening or unlikely to be true. It can be challenging to learn or evolve intellectually if the crown chakra is closed off or lacking energy. The crown chakra is our belief system—if it is unbalanced in energy, a person can become rigid and can become greedy, materialistic, and dominant in mindset. The lower chakras can have excess energy in them from the crown chakra releasing too much energy. 

What happens when there is too much energy in the crown chakra?

Excess energy in the crown chakra can create a lot of issues in the mind. A person with excess energy can cause confusion and overthinking in the mind. A lot of energy in the crown chakra can stimulate a person’s need for spirituality which can lead to addiction in their higher belief. Thoughts, when too many of them, can be overstimulated and overwhelm the mind, making it hard for a person to focus and be rational. 

How do I open my crown chakra?

In order to open the crown chakra—you need to be in touch with your spirituality. Finding some form of that, whether religion, meditation, or creativity can help a person open up through their seventh chakra. Learning and studying plays a huge role in connecting to the crown chakra—this stimulates the mind and allows energy to build. Lastly, establishing physical and emotional connection to yourself will aid in energy forming in the crown. Being connected to one’s body and mind allows one to connect to spirit—a higher being. 


  • Divinity resides within. 

  • I am open to new ideas. 

  • Information I need comes to me

  • The world is my teacher. 

  • I am guided by higher power. 

  • I am guided by inner wisdom. 

As part of the Chakra Series, Rachel’s classes from October 4 - 16 will bring awareness to the third eye chakra.

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