Trust Your Gut: How to Tap Into Your Intuition

Q&A with Sharri Gaines, an intuitive healer and reflexologist at Dancing Moon in Raleigh, NC.

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You've heard it before. Go with your gut. Trust the process. Listen to your intuition. Well, what does it mean and how do we really tap into our truth? We sat down with Sharri Gaines, an intuitive healer and reflexologist with more than 20 years of experience, to learn more about the power of your gut and how you can become your own intuitive healer.

Why do we doubt our intuition?

In the West, there is so much of an emphasis on logic. The logical, rational mind takes precedence. For generations, the rational mind has been held in such high esteem. Now with technology, we look even more for evidence to quantify our thoughts. When someone starts to have an intuitive feeling they think, "am I making this up?" or "am I crazy?" If we can't tell someone "why" with a logical explanation, in our culture, it doesn’t have validity. I believe it's slowly changing in the West, and we are tapping deeper into our inner knowing. Albert Einstein said, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Do women have better intuition than men?

The short answer is yes. Women have more primal instincts to bear children and we have to keep our bodies safe as well as our children until they can do it for themselves. Intuition comes from a place of feeling. Men have intuition as well, but in our culture men have been taught to suppress their feelings. When you suppress your feelings, you suppress your intuitive abilities.

Can anyone have the gift of being an intuitive healer?

Yes, but there is a caveat. It is not everyone's purpose or mission in this lifetime to do this work. I wasn't planning to be an intuitive healer. I have been put in this position to do this. My astrological chart shows that I am set up to be a healer and it's my purpose. I truly believe everyone has the opportunity to tap into their own personal intuition and I believe that it's the next evolution of how to live. Everything that we have trusted to guide us is crumbling: religion, government, and even educational systems. It's not a criticism, it's a necessity. The old has to die for the new to replace it. The more that people can tap into their own intuition for themselves, the better this world will be.

Can you make decisions with logic and intuition?

I don't believe logic or reason is supposed to be replaced with intuition. They are teammates and co-creators. There just needs to be a better conversation between the two. The logical mind needs to be open to intuition and work in tune with it. As long as we have a body and a form, we will need logic to exist.

What is the difference between urgency and superstition compared to intuitive knowing?

Superstition is typically learned and typically fear based. Fear was an emotion in our original blueprint and was purely for survival. Fear was never meant to be a ruling energy or emotion. We have transferred this fight or flight survival mode into an everyday emotion that has taken us over, and many times it's from a past trauma or teaching. To let go of urgency, we must learn to heal and to do so we have to come back to our own truth.

What are some ways we can tap into our intuition?

The best way is to start simple. Notice any dualistic thinking. Your choice doesn't have to be "this or that". There are always more than two choices. Find neutrality. Rather than being eager to get an answer, practice patience and deep listening.

Want to learn more? Join Midtown Yoga and Sharri Gaines for our MY Wellness Summit March 1st, 2020!

Sharri Gaines is a certified Integrative Reflexologist, a Yoga Alliance certified Hatha Yoga Teacher, and Usui Reiki (lifeforce) and Reiki Tummo Energy Practitioner. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Marshall University and trained with Claire Marie Miller's Integrative Reflexology program and at Asheville (NC) Yoga Center. Additional studies include Acupressure, Acu-Yoga, Quantum Touch, Essential Oils Training and Intuitive listening and dialogue.

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