MY Teachers Reflect On Their Yoga Journeys


That’s a wrap on National Yoga Month! Cue the lavender towels.

We caught up with some of our teachers to look back on their yoga practice since day 1. See what inspired them to stick with it.

Who or what encouraged you to begin practicing yoga?


North Hills Teacher

“My husband.”

Grace L.

UHill Teacher

“My best friend! She asked me to do yoga with her and waited until we got there to tell me that it was HOT yoga!”


UHill Teacher

“I was looking to develop my sense of body awareness!”


North Hills + UHill Teacher

“There was one little studio in my small town. I was intrigued to try something new!”

Christy P.

MY Director of Ops

“Free yoga week at a studio near campus.”

What would you tell yourself before your first class?


North Hills Teacher

“Don't YouTube it. Just do it!”


UHill Teacher

“It takes everyone a few classes to catch on to the names of poses. It's like learning a new language — even if you've done yoga before and are trying a new studio.”

Grace L.

UHill Teacher

“Hydrate. Lol.”


North Hills + UHill Teacher

“Stick with it. It's difficult and challenging but worth it in the most beautiful, life changing ways!”

Christy P.

MY Director of Ops

“You can’t be good at yoga. Just keep doing it!”

You are more than ready to begin your yoga journey! If you are at all nervous or fearful about trying yoga, we hope that you will find our studio community to be open and non-judgmental. 

If you're new to yoga or simply want to refine your practice, we offer a MY Foundations Workshop that will give you tools to find success in a Midtown Yoga group class.

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