Office Yoga: 5 Poses You Can Do at Your Desk

Many of us spend too much time sitting at a desk and behind a computer on a daily basis. This takes a toll on our bodies, putting stress on our neck, back, hips and knees. Yoga can help relieve the tightness and soreness caused by prolonged sitting. 

The best part? You can do these stretches in the office! You don’t have to attend class at the studio to work on your mobility and overall wellbeing. 

If you find yourself sitting at a desk for most of the day, take a break from your work and try these desk-friendly office yoga poses. Close your eyes and take a few breaths to disconnect from your day and reset your mind before jumping into these poses.

Backbend Arch

This pose helps with our posture by counteracting the tension that builds up throughout the day. This gentle backbend stretches your back, neck, and chest muscles. 

Sit at the edge of your chair, placing your hands on your lower back with your fingers facing down and your thumbs wrapped around your hips towards the front of your body. On an inhale, gently arch your spine and tilt your chin up. Hold this pose for 3 deep breaths and then gently come back to a neutral position on an exhale. Repeat this movement 3 to 5 times.

Assisted Neck Stretch 

This pose is great for easing stiffness that can build up in your neck throughout the day. Next time you find yourself hunched over your computer (we’re all guilty of it), try this assisted neck stretch. 

Sit up straight with both feet flat on the floor and your back away from the back of the chair. Slowly (and gently) bring your ear towards your shoulder. You can use your hand to add gentle pressure and find a deeper stretch. Hold each side for 3-5 deep breaths and feel the tension float away.

Seated Cat-Cow

This desk-friendly version of cat-cow pose can help release tension that builds up in your back, shoulders, and neck. 

Place both feet flat on the floor and bring your hands to your knees. Inhale and arch your back as you look up towards the ceiling. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to open your chest as you lift your gaze towards the ceiling. On your exhale, round your spine and curl your tailbone under as you drop your head forward, tucking your chin into your chest. Pull your belly button toward your spine. Flow between cat and cow 3-5 times with your breath.

Seated Pigeon

Seated Pigeon pose helps open your hips much like the classic version of the pose. It’s also a great way to stretch out your glutes after sitting for an extended period of time.

Sit up straight in your chair with your back off the chair. Place your feet on the ground, about hip-width apart. Bring your right ankle onto your left knee, and flex your right foot. Keep your back flat and your spine long as you hinge forward from the hips. Stay for 3-5 deep breaths and then repeat on the other side.

Eagle Arms

Eagle arms is a great way to stretch your shoulders and upper back. 

Bring your arms forward, crossing your left arm over the right, hooking at the elbows. Draw your forearms together and wrap your right palm around your left palm, crossing at the wrists–or bring your hangs to your shoulders for a hug variation. Lift your elbows to shoulder height while keeping your shoulders sliding down your back. Breathe into the space between your shoulder blades. Repeat with the right arm over the left. Hold each side for 3-5 deep breaths.

Give these poses a try next time you feel the tension in your neck, back, and shoulders start to build. Bonus, you may also see improved energy levels and increased productivity by working in these stretch breaks.