Week 2 - MY Richmond Teacher Training
Read pages 42-58 of The Yamas + Niyamas by Deborah Adele by Thursday, March 6th
Tuesday, February 25 | 6:30pm – 8:30pm
5:45pm: MY hot flow
7pm: Week 2 Check In
Thursday, February 27 | Self-Study
No in-person session.
Saturday, March 1 | 1:30pm - 6:30pm
1:30pm: TT Session
Mastery of Teaching: Cultivating Confidence
*bring item for Show + Tell
Posture Clinics + Practice Teaching (sequence for Practice Teaching)
Sunday, March 2 | Noon – 5:45pm
Noon: MY hot flow
1:45pm: Posture Clinics + Practice Teaching
All homework should be completed before next week’s first session unless otherwise noted
Meditate daily
Review + memorize Warrior Sequence for practice teaching by March 1st
Note: Start to work on memorizing these short sequences so you can teach without notes.Journaling: Ahimsa
The color of the paint inside the can is the color whatever we paint becomes.
The practice of Ahimsa begins with our relationship with self. Whatever foundation we set from within truly impacts the world around us.
The week of March 3rd - March 9th, consider (and journal about) your thoughts--particularly whether your self-talk is in line with the practice of nonviolence. What color are you choosing to pain the world around you?Read pages 42 - 58 of The Yamas + Niyamas by Deborah Adele (through Satya) by March 6th
Chaturanga Video — Record your Chaturanga, then watch it and journal about what you learn.
Bring an item for Show + Tell on Saturday, March 1st!