Take Your Practice With You


Summer has officially arrived in North Carolina and many of us are heading to the beach or the mountains for some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Traveling presents an opportunity to broaden our horizons, step out of our comfort zone and embrace new experiences. However, it can also disrupt our daily routines, leaving us feeling unbalanced and disconnected. And then there’s the added stress that it often brings—from long drives and delayed flights—sometimes getting there is half the battle.

We encourage you to incorporate yoga into your travels and allow yourself to embrace the beauty of the unfamiliar as you explore the world around you. Take your practice with you this summer with our favorite yoga poses for practicing on the go. These seven poses can be easily adapted to fit in any space and situation—whether you find yourself in a busy airport, a serene lake, or the confines of your hotel room.

Downward dog on a wall pose

1. Downward Dog on a Wall

This pose stretches out your entire back body. Stand facing a wall, then bend at your hips to place both hands on the wall at hip height or a little higher. Step your feet back until they’re just behind your hips. Press your hands into the wall and keep your neck neutral. Take 5 deep breaths.


2. Wide-Legged Forward Fold

Stretch your hamstrings, hips, low back and spine with this pose. It’s the perfect pre-trip stretch to get the blood flowing before a flight or long car drive.

Stand with your feet wider than your hips and your toes facing forward. With your hands at your hips, bend at your hips and reach your hands toward the floor. Stay for 3 to 5 deep breaths, then lift up slowly. You could take an option like swaying your hips from side-to-side or bending one knee and then the other to get your blood moving even more!

dancer's pose

3. Dancer’s Pose Variation

This pose is great to counter long periods of sitting. It helps stretch out tight quads and hip flexors.

Stand with your feet firmly planted as wide as your hips. Bend your right knee and pull your heel toward your glute. Catch your foot with your right hand. Keep your knee pointing down toward the ground and gently press your right hip forward while pulling your heel toward your glute until you feel a stretch. It might be helpful to hold onto a chair for balance. Hold for 3 to 5 deep breaths, then release and switch sides.

standing figure 4 pose

4. Standing Figure 4

Stretch your back, hips and glutes with this standing pose.

Stand with your feet hip distance apart and shift your weight slightly to your left foot. Lift your right foot off the ground and cross it over your left knee–above your knee–while your right knee opens out to the right. Bend your left knee and send your hips back behind you like a squat until you feel a stretch. Hold for 5 deep breaths, then reset and repeat on the other side.

eagle arms pose

5. Eagle Arms

Feeling the weight of summer travel stress build up in your shoulders? Try Eagle Arms to open your shoulders and wake up your upper back muscles.

You can do this variation while standing or sitting tall. Extend your arms out side-to-side in a “T” shape. Swing your right arm under your left and bring the backs of your hands or your palms together. Lift your elbows up toward your shoulders and press your hands away from your face. You can also take your hands to your shoulders for a “bear hug” variation. For a deeper stretch in your upper back and neck, drop your chin toward your chest. Hold for 3 - 5 breaths, then unwind and switch sides.

Malasana squat pose

6. Malasana Squat

This pose targets your hips, ankles, hamstrings and back. It’s the perfect reset after a long travel day and will leave you feeling good as new.

Stand with your feet wider than your hips and your toes facing out left and right. Bend your knees and drop your hips down toward the ground. Note that you may need to take your feet even wider and that your heels might lift up off the ground. This is okay! You could bring your fingertips to the ground or your hands together at the center of your chest. Hold for 5 deep breaths. To release this pose, lift your hips, turn your toes forward, and drop your head into a forward fold. Slightly bend your knees and roll up to standing with your chin tucked into your chest.

Option: For a chest-opening variation, bring your left fingertips to the ground in front of your left knee or foot and lift your right arm on a diagonal out to the side. Rotate your chest open to the right. Stay here for about 3 breaths, then switch sides.


7. Slow Chair Squats

Get your blood flowing after long periods of sitting with this movement.

Stand tall with your feet as wide as your hips and your hands down by your sides. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, bend your knees and send your hips back like you’re sitting down in a chair. Bring your hand together at the center of your chest and keep your chest open while engaging your core. Hold for one full breath, then come back to the starting position and repeat for 5 - 10 rounds.


We encourage you to incorporate these poses into your summer travels. We also welcome you to join us at our Raleigh or Durham studios!

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