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Teaches at MY Durham


“Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there someday."

—Winnie the pooh

Rachel was introduced to yoga 4 years ago and fell in love. But it wasn’t until COVID that she looked at her practice more than just a way to exercise. Rachel began to embrace the mental, spiritual, and physical growth and incorporate yoga practices into her everyday life. After encouragement from her husband, Rachel trained to become a Yoga sculpt instructor to test out the waters. It was one of the best decisions of her life, she was able to find something that she really enjoyed and an avenue to share with others. Rachel is so thankful for finding Midtown Yoga, where she has been able to grow in her own practice and now teach as a Strength instructor. She wants to continue to learn and grow with her students and with her community at Midtown.

Hidden talent

drawing portraits

Favorite Travel Destination


The Song I Put On For Inspiration

any Beyoncé song