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Teaches at MY Durham


“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

—wayne dyer

Nina moved to Durham in 2020, road tripping across the country with her 3 cats in tow to pursue her PhD in Computational Genomics at UNC Chapel Hill. Her yoga practice began nearly a decade ago in southern California and quickly became a grounding force in her life not only physically, but mentally and spiritually. She embraces the continual balance yoga presents: accepting failure and acknowledging limits while simultaneously pushing oneself to grow and change. When she walked into her first hot yoga class in 2017, it was game over. She completed her 200 RYT through Midtown Yoga in 2023. She strives to build confidence in her students and to spark the curiosity to take their practice beyond the studio. Nina enjoys exploring and learning from other studios across the country during her travels. Off her mat, Nina fills her time mentoring students interested in STEM, baking yummy treats, snuggling with her kitties and fiancé, and hunting down the best tacos in the Triangle.

Go-To Coffee Order

Green tea for me!

Hidden Talent

I’ve trained my cats. They’ll even come if I sing. Does that make me a real life Disney Princess?

Guilty Pleasure

Binging docuseries