
Upcoming Class Schedule

Teaches at MY Raleigh


“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.”


Mikayla moved to Raleigh in spring 2021 after completing her first psychology degree in Virginia. She started practicing yoga back in high school and fell in love with the creation of movement in the body and the peace and ease in her running mind. Mikayla has a genuine love for encouraging people to connect more with themselves through empowering movement. She fell in love with learning yogic philosophy in her YTT and hopes to encourage students to cultivate sthira and sukha in their practice — on and off the mat. A consistent yoga practice has not just helped her in the four corners of Mikayla’s mat but also has transformed how she walks into any room — with the confidence of mental and physical wealth. When Mikayla is not in the studio, she works with the Mental Health Association of NYC as a crisis counselor and clinical trainer. After hours, you can find her in the dog park with her wild dog, August, or having wine nights downtown with sweet friends.

Go to Coffee Order

Iced Americano

Favorite Travel Destination

Antigua, Guatemala

Hidden Talent

Hustled my way through college by giving stick n poke tattoos