
Upcoming Class Schedule

Teaches at MY Durham


"slow down, you’re doing fine."


Katlyn uses yoga as a space to practice acceptance and growth. Her yoga classes offer an opportunity to calm a busy brain through mindful movements, rockin‘ playlists, and lots of sweat! No one is perfect and no day will be perfect - the practice of yoga is to explore the balance between perfect and imperfect, busy and calm, challenge and acceptance. Katlyn received her training through Midtown Yoga in 2020 and is now teaching in MY Durham. Katlyn especially values Midtown Yoga as a connection to an entire community of others in different phases of their journey. In her classes, you will be challenged, supported, and reminded to not take yourself so seriously.

guilty pleasure

True Crime Documentaries & Podcasts ... or Disney Punk Rock - it’s definitely a thing!

The Song I Put On for Inspiration

Hamilton - the entire soundtrack, you can't make me pick just one.

Go-To Coffee Order
